from top to bottom: Rifle Paper Co. // // Rifle Paper Co. // Lilly Pulitzer //
It's the most wonderful time of the year... PLANNER PRE-ORDER SEASON !!!!!! Just kidding, it's not that exciting. It still is one of my favorite things to do come every June. Last year I ordered a really cute floral one from
May Designs. I was considering monogramming it, but then at the last minute I decided it would be better if it just had "Agenda" written on the front. That was literally fate because then my best friend sent me an agenda for my birthday and I ended up gifting my May Designs agenda to another close friend who was in dire need of a planner for the Spring semester.
Anyway, I've had planners I've loved and planners I've been indifferent about and the main difference is that when I have a cute agenda I feel really motivated to use it, therefore I end up being more productive. Whereas when I've had planners I'm indifferent about, I'm prone to just setting it aside and forgetting it even exists until weeks later.. yikes!
The best agenda I've had so far was a Lilly Pulitzer Large Agenda, so this year I was originally going to just get another but before I settled on the perfect one, I decided to check out Rifle Paper Co and since I had heard lovely reviews of their planners as well. Well, it looks like this year I'm really digging pink agendas!

one of the important things you have to consider when you're selecting an agenda is the aesthetic. With Rifle Paper Co. agendas, the pages are very clean and elegant. You won't find spreads with quotes in bubble letters, as you might in a Ban.Do agenda, and you definitely wouldn't find tropical watercolor paintings as with Lilly planners. One thing I will mention is that the stickers that come with Lilly agendas are a lot more practical than those that come with Ban.Do agendas. Of the three, I would consider Lilly ones to be the most traditionally youthful. I mean the main reason I got one of those in the first place was because I associated Lilly with retro Jackie Kennedy-esque dresses as well as sororities, which I associated with college and I was just starting college. It just made sense. As for planners, they're a little bit retro, a little bit cheeky. They're really feminine and very beautiful. They're also very similar to Lilly planners but without the timelessness.
Another thing I should mention is that these are all roughly the same size - about 6.5" x 8", and most are spiral bound, except for the little pink Rifle Paper Co. one, which is what sort of convinces me against that one. I tend to carry my agendas everywhere I go, so I need them to be durable and easy to use. I'm not sure a traditionally bound book is going to be the best choice for me, although I do love how adorably vintage it looks.

Another thing I always look it is how the weekly spreads are laid out. I use my planners to write all the tasks I have to complete in a day, including homework, errands, and meetings. So I always need my planner to have plenty of space. I'm still not sure if I prefer lines or not, to be honest. They keep the sections tidy, but they also limit how many things I can fit in a section. I really like how with the Rifle agendas there's a checklist and all the sections have two columns. That would be so ideal for someone like me. Although I guess I could do that with the ones too. I'd just have to manually draw in little check boxes. One thing I love about the and Rifle agendas is that they have little weekly quotes. I find that sort of thing to be really motivating.
I'm still not entirely sure which agenda I'll chose, although I'm leaning more towards the Ban.Do ones. Which one would you pick? I'll let you know when I decide for sure!
Alright, have a lovely Thursday!
x / Ceci