Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Thoughts

HEY!! so I'm actually in a bit of a hurry right now, cause I'm going to Salt Lake City with Sarah and Clarice and I totally lost track of time looking at articles earlier. And I know, I know it was supposed to be Thursday Thoughts and not Friday, and I totally had plans to do this last night. But 1) I forgot Grey's was on last night so I watched that and then 2) I got caught up fangirling last night. So that was intense. This weekend I have a Girl Scouts meeting and it's Easter so that should be lovely! Anyway, here are your links for the week:

   - Magic is all around us, if we just pay attention.
   - On flaky friends. I'm a three strikes kind of person, but maybe I should try some of the more rational options haha
   - I dare you to look at this gorgeous wreath and tell me you wouldn't want it.
   - This is literally me.
   - Tone It Up is starting their annual bikini series and I want to participate this year, so I probably will.
   - Ariveting article about competition between girls, a problem caused by our internalized misogyny.
   - Honestly, I feel like this is so accurate.
   - These two are heart-eyes emoji.

Have a beautiful Easter weekend!

p.s. the picture is by Chelsea Francis.

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