I'm done with finals, which means.... I'm officially back! I have accumulated a list of post ideas and I'm thinking I'll be posting three times a week but you'll never know exactly what days cause sometimes I feel like posting on weekends or whatever, and sometimes I don't want to. You know how it is. I have news to tell you. I got a second job! I'm excited because that means I'm one step closer to New York and I'm also excited because I went earlier and they're such great people. I'm going to be the early morning nanny for another lovely family, by the way. Also, I'm still doing the Tone It Up Bikini Series and it's going fantastic. It just feels good to eat clean, even though I occasionally wish I could eat cake or something. You know how I love sweets. Whatever. It's been great. I like the recipes. I love that I get to to cook all the time, and I love that I've started losing weight again, and quickly. In other news, I'm now one of the co-leaders in another Girl Scouts troop and I know that's a little bit crazy of me, but I feel like if I have the time I should do as much as I can to help. It's something I'm passionate about. And finally, I plan on starting on my fashion school application portfolio next week or the week after so that's also exciting!
Onto Mipsy, or Meredith Grey, or just Mere.
I was so excited to finish this painting. A while ago, I painted the background and then I just sort of left the canvas sitting there for a month until I remembered that I needed to finish it because this is actually an end of semester project I needed to present in front of the class. So, with that in mind, I started painting the cat a couple days ago, and then I finished it yesterday. It must have taken me a total of eight or nine hours. I'm getting faster at painting. It's still just as relaxing though, especially with good music in the background. I'm actually intending this work to be a part of a series of four pieces, two of which are already done, counting this one.
I'm not sure if you guys remember the painting on the left. It's one I made in September of Taylor's other cat, the younger one, Olivia, or Dibbles. I'd like to have another Olivia and another Meredith so that I can put those two under these and then it can cover a whole wall, hypothetically speaking. I don't actually hang my own art up. I would feel a bit weird about that, not that it is, I just don't know why. Anyway, it's been so fun making these. By the way, it's acrylic on a 6"x8" canvas. I used my tiniest brushes mostly an 18/0 spotter and liner, but I also used my 0 and 1.
Thanks for reading! Have a lovely week!